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ProSkill in the second TRiPGiFT online event

The Erasmus+ project TRiPGiFT organised the second online event ‘Training pupils on geosciences through Virtual Field Trips’ on 9 May 2023. As the event focused on geoscience education, the ProSkill Coordinator Tamás Bakó was invited to give a presentation on the lessons learnt thanks to the ProSkill project that can be applied to other projects. […]

ProSkill Guest Lectures

The ProSkill guest lectures have aimed at enhancing the soft and hard skills of students to achieve higher competitiveness in the international market. The most relevant soft skills for the raw materials sector were identified by conducting interviews and questionnaires with industrial managers within Workpackage 3: Building community among partners – development of a skill […]

ProSkill Inter-university Field Trip to Slovakia

The ProSkill Inter-University Field Trip 2022 was hosted by the Slovak University of Technology of Bratislava, in the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava. The trip was organised from 7 to 9 September 2022 and students and teachers for the ProSkill partner universities participated. Trnava is the oldest royal city in Slovakia with […]

New PorSkill brochure available!

The second ProSkill brochure is now available. It showcases some of the most relevant educational activities organised within the framework of the EIT Raw Materials project, such as the International Mentoring Programme, the Inter-University Filed Trips, the Spend a Day with Me Programme and the Competition V4-SX Simulation of Stock Trading. All the ProSkill activities […]

V for Success – ProSkill Stock Exchange Competition

The final of the ProSkill V4-SX Competition took place from 16 to 18 May 2022 at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice (Poland). The V4-SX competition (‘V’ from success) is part of the Work Package 5 implementation of the ProSkill project. The main objectives of the competition were to increase the international embeddedness of […]

ProSkill: Spend a Day With Me

Within the framework of the ProSkill project the activity ‘Spend a Day With Me’ has been organised by partner universities. Students could benefit from a one-day programme in which they met the manager of a company, plant or mine. The activity included a guided visit to the company site and an informal lunch or dinner […]

ProSkill Inter-University Field Trips

Within the framework of the EU-funded project ProSkill, two field trips for students from the partner universities will be organised: one in the Czech Republic and the other in Slovakia. The field trips include a dedicated visit to a company or factory and workshops focusing on developing the skills required in the raw materials sector. […]

ProSkill International Mentoring Programme

The EU-funded project ProSkill aims to develop a high-skill ecosystem to tackle skill problems and gaps in the mineral raw materials industry of the Visegrád countries. One of the activities organised to achieve this is the ProSkill International Mentoring Programme, coordinated by project partner European Federation of Geologists (EFG). Mentoring is a training process in […]