ProSkill Guest Lectures
The ProSkill guest lectures have aimed at enhancing the soft and hard skills of students to achieve higher competitiveness in the international market. The most relevant soft skills for the raw materials sector were identified by conducting interviews and questionnaires with industrial managers within Workpackage 3: Building community among partners – development of a skill ecosystem. The results of this research have been taken into account by project partner universities for planning the guest lectures.

Guest lecture 2 by the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava of the Slovak University of Technology: Stellantis presentation by Martinom Dzamon and visit to the factory
Each partner university has been organising guest lectures between 2021 and 2022. Most of the lectures were organised in the different national languages: Slovak, Czech, Hungarian and Polish. Due to the pandemic, some of the lectures were online instead of in person.

Guest lecture 3 by Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava of the Slovak University of Technology: Presentation by Martin Foltin
The topics of the lectures were related to the soft and hard skills needed in the raw materials sector, such as project management, soft skills in practice, social media management or the skills needed in the industry – with presentations from companies like Siemens, BMW and Stellantis.

Guest lecture 3 by the Silesian University of Technology: Presentation by Adam Bosowski
You can find some of the presentation slides of the guest lectures in the ‘Resources’ section of the ProSkill website.